Why online forms are better for your brand.

Entrepreneur.com defines branding as The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products.  With Branding in mind, a few questions tend to always arise:

  • What is my brand
  • How do I want people to see my brand?
  • Is my brand for me or for my clients?

When you discover and define the answers to all of your questions, you’ll want to make sure to remain consistent. Too often one finds themself visiting a company website and think, “Wow, I can’t wait to visit the office,” only to immediately be let down during a visit. Or have you ever walked into an office that exudes a million-dollar makeover, but you’re handed a 20-page paper form stack, a pen missing the cap, and no clip board? Seriously? On top of all that, you’re asked to show up an extra 20 minutes early just to fill out paperwork? Is this how clients should be greeted? Is this the brand you want to portray? All of these examples are a result of inconsistencies with branding. Branding is not just customer-facing but is also internal – the first step is your intake process. Client intake is one of the most important aspects of a business to customer relationship. Moving your intake process online is a bold statement about your brand and what you are trying to do – not only for your staff but also for your clients.

How do online forms benefit my staff?

Your staff can save an average of 21 minutes per patient when you switch to online forms. There isn’t a front office in the world that couldn’t use an extra 21 minutes. Online forms reduce, if not eliminate, the busy work. With paper forms you need to print, scan, copy, hole punch, and much more. Reducing time and streamlining administrative tasks for the front desk means more time to focus on customer satisfaction. Branding aside, positive customer satisfaction and reviews are wins.

Why do my customers care if my forms are online or not? 

Customer care and customer satisfaction should be a priority when creating your brand. Moving your intake process online shows your customers how much you value their time. Clients can fill out your forms from any device, anywhere, and at any time. Online forms offer them the ability and convenience to fill out your forms how they want, when they want, making them less rushed, relaxed, and happy before they even step foot in your office. 

Why are online forms better for my brand?

Simple. It shows you care, you value time, and you are up to date with technology and the future of business. Online Forms improve customer experience and improve the front desk workflow.

Final thought.

Yes, you can still use paper forms, but is that your “brand?” Technology is accelerating at an impressive rate.  Let’s face it – paper forms are obsolete and need to be regulated to the dusty shelves of the past where they belong. It’s time to embrace technology. Which direction is your brand leaning? Are you future-focused or stuck in the past?

Thanks for reading! Not part of the team yet? Go to FormDr.com to get started.