Required Form Fields

Never get an incomplete new patient form again with required form fields
Required HIPAA Compliant Form Fields
Required HIPAA Compliant Form Fields

Ensure Patients Complete All Required Fields Before Submitting

Always get the information you need with required fields. Patients can only submit their information to you when they complete all of the required fields. Never receive an incomplete new patient form again. When a patient attempts to submit an incomplete form, they will be instructed to go back and complete the missing information.

Make it Easy For Patients to Submit Required Information

Communicating to your patient what information is required and what is optional can be a valuable resource in getting your forms back completed.

Not all fields may be applicable to the patient, so designating required fields will ensure your patient is giving you what is needed, every time.

Required HIPAA Compliant Form Fields

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Required HIPAA Compliant Form Fields

Collect All Required Signatures Electronically

If patients need to sign in multiple places, it can be time consuming to have the patient go back through the form to collect any missing signatures.

Requiring signatures will alert the patient when they have missed a form or section. If the patient is a minor, the guardian may also be alerted for required signatures.

Patients Save Their Progress and Submit When Convenient for Them

For larger forms, it may take your patient 30+ minutes to complete all of the need information. Instead of the patient rushing through your form and submitting something incomplete, have your patient save their progress.

Once a patient saves their form progress, they may continue filling out the form at a later time and finish the remaining required fields.

Required HIPAA Compliant Form Fields

Book a Free Consultation

Schedule a consultation with us to learn more

FormDr gives your practice everything needed to easily send and receive HIPAA compliant forms online. We help practices who:

  • Are having patients fill out paper forms during the appointment
  • Are emailing patients a PDF or Word Doc to print out, fill out, scan, and send back
  • Are spending time manually printing and scanning paper forms

Discover More Form Features

Setup HIPAA compliant online forms. Streamline your process of collecting information from patients.
HIPAA Compliant Submission Audit Logs

Submission Audit Logs

Form submissions have a detailed history that can always be referenced. Audit logs cannot be changed and the history from all users is tracked.

Centralized Administrative Management

Centralized Administrative Management

Create administrative accounts by department, location, or clinic. Filter and segment your organization by setting up additional administrative users.

Resend HIPAA Compliant Forms

Resend HIPAA Compliant Forms

Resend completed patient intake forms. Patients will simply update what has changed, and leave the rest of the form completed.

Save and Continue Later

Save and Continue Later

Allow patients to save their progress on larger forms and packets. Patients will be able to resume where they left off and finish completing your forms at a later time.