Give your patients the freedom to complete adult ADHD self-report checklists with any device, anywhere. Streamline the way you collect important self—assessment information by setting up your form online.
Easily personalize this template with a HIPAA compliant form builder.
Many adults suffer from ADHD, which can affect relationships, jobs, and success in many areas of life. This standardized self-assessment form helps adults document the symptoms they are experiencing and helps guide the treatment team as the evaluation continues.
It is never too late to seek a diagnosis and treatment for ADHD and any other mental health condition that my occur with it. Effective treatment can make day-to-day life easier for many adults and their families.
The liability falls on you to handle patient data in a compliant way. Patient privacy is a serious topic, legislation from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act place heavy fines on medical professionals who mistreat patient information.
A medical release form does not empower your staff to share patient information with just anyone. Depending on what is included in the form, the document may release medical information to the patient’s family, other doctors, insurance providers, attorneys, or anyone who may make healthcare decisions on behalf of the patient.
Have your patient take a picture of their insurance and ID cards. New patients will automatically upload a photo of their card information, so you can verify it before the appointment.
Always get the information you need with required fields. Patients can only submit when they complete all of your required fields. Never receive an incomplete medical form again.
Export multiple patient forms into a Microsoft Excel compatible CSV file. Take control of your patient data with a bulk export, and import your complete patient forms into a database, excel spreadsheet, or EHR.
Configure a HIPAA compliant form kiosk page to display new patient registration forms, consent forms, and more.
FormDr gives your practice everything needed to easily send and receive HIPAA compliant forms online. We help practices who: