Give patients the freedom to complete medical consent forms with any device, anywhere. Streamline the way you collect signatures and consent forms by setting up your form online.
Easily personalize this medical consent form template with a HIPAA compliant form builder.
Medical consent forms give patients information about a particular treatment or test. Medical consent forms help the patient understand the risks and benefits of a treatment.
Consent is implied for many tests and procedures, such as, splints or casts, blood tests, and X-rays. However, for more invasive tests or treatments that come with significant risk, patients should be given a written consent form and a verbal explanation.
Patients who are competent to make medical decisions, and who have decision-making capacity, have the right to refuse any or all treatment.
For a patient to give medical consent for treatment, the healthcare provider must disclose to the patient enough information to make an informed decision. This information should include the risks and probability of each of the risks and the benefits. Questions a patient may have should be explained on the medical consent form.
Authenticate your Google Calendar to receive appointment dates and times from your account.
Emailing new patient intake forms risks the interception of PHI. FormDr is HIPAA compliant, all patient data is encrypted in transit and rest. A Business Associate Agreement is included with your account.
Allow patients to save their progress on larger forms and packets. Patients will be able to resume where they left off and finish completing your forms at a later time.
When you receive a patient form submission, automatically send the submission directly to your Google Drive folder.
FormDr gives your practice everything needed to easily send and receive HIPAA compliant forms online. We help practices who: