HIPAA Compliant
Form Builder

Easily Create Secure, HIPAA Compliant Online Forms, With a Drag-and-Drop Form Builder
HIPAA Compliant Form Builder Header
HIPAA Compliant Form Builder

Quickly Create Forms With a HIPAA Compliant Form Builder

Easily create the forms you need with our HIPAA compliant form builder. Simply drag-and-drop the form elements you want included on your forms and then customize to fit your exact needs.

Choose electronic signatures, card photo uploads, required fields and more, no coding required. Quick. Easy. Done.

HIPAA Compliant Online Form Submissions

All of your patient’s data is encrypted in transit and at rest and stored on secure, HIPAA compliant servers. Patients securely submit your forms online, directly to your account. PHI is transmitted and stored with the required administrative, physical and technical safeguards necessary for HIPAA compliance.

What’s more, a business associate agreement is included with your account.

HIPAA Compliant Form Builder

Build a HIPAA compliant form for free

Start saving time and money with FormDr

HIPAA Compliant Form Builder

Customize and Style Your Forms to Match Your Brand

Add your company colors, fonts, logo, and more to create a seamless experience for your patients. Your forms can be fully customized to match your brand and styling.

Once styled, embed forms on your website or send to patients via text message or email invitation.

Embed HIPAA Compliant Forms Directly on Your Website

Display your HIPAA compliant forms on your website by embedding them with a simple piece of code. Embedding forms gives you full control of the style and how your forms are displayed to patients. Add a custom thank you page that patients see after completing your forms.

Your forms will embed on all major website builders including: Wix, Wordpress, Squarespace, Shopify, and more!

HIPAA Compliant Form Builder

Build a HIPAA compliant form for free

Start saving time and money with FormDr

HIPAA Compliant Form Builder

Create Mobile-Friendly Forms That Are Compatible With Any Device

Your forms will be compatible with any phone that has access to the internet. Forms automatically scale to any device size, whether a phone, tablet or computer. Give your patients the ability to electronically sign and submit HIPAA compliant forms online.

Get Notified When Patients Complete Your Forms

Enable new submissions email notifications to be alerted when a patient has submitted your forms. Your account will give you access to review new patient forms at the exact moment of completion. Add the rest of your team to your account so that other staff may be notified when a patient completes your forms.

HIPAA Compliant Form Builder

Start a Free 30 Day Trial

Get started today with a template, or we can build your forms for you.

FormDr gives your practice everything needed to easily send and receive HIPAA compliant forms online. We help practices who:

  • Are having patients fill out paper forms during the appointment
  • Are emailing patients a PDF or Word Doc to print out, fill out, scan, and send back
  • Are spending time manually printing and scanning paper forms

Discover More Form Features

Setup HIPAA compliant online forms. Streamline your process of collecting information from patients.
Export to PDF

Export Form Submissions to PDF

Quickly export complete patient forms to a PDF file. Save completed forms as a PDF to quickly attach patient records.

Save and Continue Later

Save and Continue Later

Allow patients to save their progress on larger forms and packets. Patients will be able to resume where they left off and finish completing your forms at a later time.

Drawing and Diagrams

Drawing and Diagrams

Allow your patients to draw on an image or diagram in your form to mark areas of pain or parts of the body that may need treatment.

Print HIPAA Compliant Submissions

Print HIPAA Compliant Form Submissions

Print your patients’ submissions after the forms have been completed online. Adjust the formatting and text size to match your original paper forms.