Give patients the freedom to complete dental intake forms with any device, anywhere. Streamline the way you collect signatures and consent forms by setting up your dental intake form online.
Easily personalize this dental intake form template with a HIPAA compliant form builder.
Configure a HIPAA compliant form kiosk page to display new patient registration forms, consent forms, and more.
Embed your forms directly on your website for a seamless experience for your patients. Your forms are customized with your logo, brand, and styling to match your site. Embed on Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, and many more.
When you receive a patient form submission, automatically send the submission directly to your Google Drive folder.
Send a text message invitation to your patients to complete your forms. Give patients the freedom to sign and complete forms with any device, anywhere.
FormDr gives your practice everything needed to easily send and receive HIPAA compliant forms online. We help practices who: