Give your patients the freedom to complete Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale forms with any device, anywhere. Patients can complete sensitive information in the privacy and comfort of their own homes prior to their visit.
Easily personalize this scale form template with a HIPAA compliant form builder.
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The EPDS assesses common symptoms of postpartum depression that women may experience in the days and weeks after giving birth. The scoring system can help guide providers to understand the severity of depression and how to effectively intervene.
Depression is a common problem after pregnancy. In fact, one in nine new mothers has postpartum depression.
The liability falls on you to handle patient data in a compliant way. Patient privacy is a serious topic, legislation from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act place heavy fines on medical professionals who mistreat patient information.
A medical release form does not empower your staff to share patient information with just anyone. Depending on what is included in the form, the document may release medical information to the patient’s family, other doctors, insurance providers, attorneys, or anyone who may make healthcare decisions on behalf of the patient.
Resend completed patient intake forms. Patients will simply update what has changed, and leave the rest of the form completed.
Emailing new patient intake forms risks the interception of PHI. FormDr is HIPAA compliant, all patient data is encrypted in transit and rest. A Business Associate Agreement is included with your account.
Have your account match your company branding with FormDr White Labeled Enterprise. Create a customized, branded look without having to build your own HIPAA compliant online form software.
Authenticate your Google Calendar to receive appointment dates and times from your account.
FormDr gives your practice everything needed to easily send and receive HIPAA compliant forms online. We help practices who: