Telehealth Consent Form Template

Easily send and receive your fully customized telehealth consent form template online. Send clients your consent form to fill out on their phone, tablet, or computer. Clients securely sign and submit completed forms directly to your account. Track the progress of telehealth consent forms, send your forms along with automated reminders, and receive completed consent forms online.
Telehealth Consent Form Template

Telehealth Consent Form Template

Give clients the freedom to complete telehealth consent forms with any device, anywhere. Streamline the way you collect signatures and consent forms by setting up your form online. Easily personalize this telehealth consent form template with a HIPAA compliant form builder.

Build a telehealth consent form for free

Start saving time and money with FormDr

Why Online Telehealth Consent Forms?

Telehealth consent forms give clients information about the potential benefits, constraints, and risks (like privacy and security) of telehealth. 

The purpose of the telehealth consent form is to inform clients of their rights when receiving telehealth, including the right to stop or refuse treatment. 

Telehealth involves the use of electronic communications to enable healthcare providers at different locations to share individual client information for the purpose of improving client care. Providers may include primary care practitioners, specialists, and/or subspecialists. Inform your clients of what will happen in the case of technology or equipment failures during telehealth sessions, as well as state a contingency plan. Telehealth forms tell clients their own responsibilities when receiving telehealth treatment.

The telehealth consent form will often have a formal complaint or grievance process to resolve any potential ethical concerns or issues that might come up as a result of telecare, as well as describe the potential benefits, constraints, and risks (like privacy and security) of telehealth.


More Online Medical Forms

Streamline your medical forms online. Automate your paperwork. Start saving time and money.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Form

Use this standardized screening checklist to identify postpartum depression symptoms and determine the severity of illness.

AIMS (Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale)

Setup an AIMS Form for free. Allow your clinicians to complete an Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale Form safely and securely, online.

Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage

Easily keep your patients informed, while fulfilling Medicare requirements by sending this form when you suspect an item may not be covered under Medicare. Keeping your patients informed empowers them with the information to make the best health and financial decisions.

No Surprises Act Template

Send your patients your practices No Surprises Act notice, quickly and easily online.
Telehealth Consent Form Template

Telehealth Consent Form

Collect telehealth consent forms online. Send your clients telehealth forms, give clients the ability to sign HIPAA compliant online forms with any device, anywhere.

Grief Evaluation for Children & Teenagers (17 and Under)

Collect valuable information concerning your patient’s grief experience and daily life. Review this information prior to the appointment to guide the conversation.
Medical History Form Template

Medical History Form

Turn your paper medical history forms into HIPAA compliant online forms. Streamline your forms by removing the paperwork. Collect a more accurate medical history from your patients.
insurance form template icon

Insurance Form

Use the Insurance Form to gather all of the necessary pieces if information to contact, obtain pre-authorization, and bill patient insurance plans. Customization and required fields makes records complete the first time.

Build a telehealth consent form for free

Start saving time and money with FormDr

Discover More Form Features

Setup HIPAA compliant online forms. Streamline your process of collecting information from patients.
Centralized Administrative Management

Centralized Administrative Management

Create administrative accounts by department, location, or clinic. Filter and segment your organization by setting up additional administrative users.

HIPAA Compliant Form Submissions

HIPAA Compliant Form Submissions

Patients sign and submit forms securely to your online account. Review and manage completed patient forms before the appointment.

Encrypted PHI

Encrypted PHI ePHI

All PHI is encrypted in transit and at rest—while being submitted back to your account and at rest in our database. Protect sensitive data with fully encrypted patient submissions.

Sync HIPAA Compliant Appointments with Google Calendar

Sync Appointments with Google Calendar

Authenticate your Google Calendar to receive appointment dates and times from your account.

Book a Free Consultation

Schedule a consultation with us to learn more

FormDr gives your practice everything needed to easily send and receive HIPAA compliant forms online. We help practices who:

  • Are having patients fill out paper forms during the appointment
  • Are emailing patients a PDF or Word Doc to print out, fill out, scan, and send back
  • Are spending time manually printing and scanning paper forms