
Permanent Daylight Savings Time
A lot of us complained about the bi-yearly time change, but will the alternative truly be better for us? While daylight savings time does give us more daylight hours, it also can disrupt our sleep schedule and lead to various health issues. Altering the body’s circadian rhythms by even an hour can change the delicate...
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Vendor HIPAA Compliance Checklist
Why is Vendor Compliance Important? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets high standards for the protection of patient health information (PHI). As a covered entity under HIPAA, practices must be very careful about which vendors they partner with that may also have access to that PHI. Vendors are also called business associates...
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Medical Release Forms FHIR Interoperability
Healthcare organizations should be actively working on their interoperability, and federal officials are pushing FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) as the best way to ensure that EHR systems can share data. The military has now deployed a single EHR system, paving the way for interoperability in the Department of Defense, using the FHIR data standard....
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AI and healthcare
With AI getting more intelligent each year, as evidenced by the recent news about ChatGPT passing the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam, many wonder what role AI and healthcare will have in the future. At this point, and with the technology available, it is safe to say that they can hold a valuable role in increasing...
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Health Technology Gadgets
Fresh from the exciting 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, FormDr is excited about all of the new and innovative healthcare technology shown at the largest tech convention in the world. One of the primary topics of the convention was cybersecurity, and we were happy to see companies putting user data security as...
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Online tracking technology ephi
Whether you realize it or not, online tracking technology is part of our daily lives. Every time your phone remembers a password for you, or your browser picks up right where you left off – a bit of your information was saved. The question is – what type of information, and how much? In response...
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FormDr is about more than just forms – we are also here to offer some ideas to tackle common pain points like incomplete form submissions and appointment no-shows. After all, every minute you save on administrative tasks means more time available for patients. Let’s take a look at an all time favorite feature, Patient Appointment...
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HIPAA Compliance Guide 2023
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was intentionally designed with broad definitions and scope to encompass future changes. However, throughout its history, there have been times when updates have been necessary. To set the stage for a new year in healthcare, let’s review legal and regulatory changes from the past couple of years,...
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The Ivy Lee Method
At FormDr, we are fixated on saving time for our customers, our customers’ patients and even for ourselves. After all, our digital intake forms and form builder were created to make offices run smoothly and more efficiently. Beyond patient appointment reminders and automatically completing HIPAA compliant forms, we’ve compiled our favorite simple time management tips...
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HIPAA compliant
The term “HIPAA” is now commonly known and is thrown around a lot, even in everyday life. How do we know exactly who and what HIPAA actually applies to? Who needs to be concerned with HIPAA? While it is good for everyone to have a baseline understanding of how HIPAA works, the organizations that need...
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